Part 1: Moving to the Third Dimension
Part 3: FinFET Layout
Part 5: Some Current Trends
Part 2: Fabricating FinFETs
Part 4: Layout Dependent Effects and Parasitics
Supplementary Material:
Part 1: Introduction to Digital-on-Top LVS
Part 3: Translating the Verilog netlist into SPICE
Part 5: Running LVS comparison
Part 2: Creating the LVS-ready Verilog Netlist
Part 4: Extracting the LVS-ready Layout netlist
Part 6: Fullchip DRC and Chip Finishing
Custom Block Preparation for Digital-on-Top Integration
Abstract Generation (LEF/LIB) for Custom Blocks (Odem Harel)
Part 1: Introduction
Part 3: The Newton-Raphson Method
Part 5: Other Stuff
Part 2: DC Analysis
Part 4: AC Analysis, Transient Analysis
Part 1: Intro to Tcl
Part 2: Intro to Tcl
TCLPY:Interfacing Python with your EDA Tools
Udi Kra
Power intent and Low Power Methodology
Intro to DFT (Design for Test)
RISC-V for Embedded Systems: A First Introduction