
EnICS labs were started according to the vision of its founder, Prof. Alexander Fish, as a collaborative research center that would join together the knowledge, leadership and capabilities of a group of faculty and researchers to achieve outstanding accolades.

In search of this vision, were recruited two other researchers to the center at the end of 2015, Prof. Yossie Shor and Prof. Adam Teman, and a computer engineering researcher, Prof. Osnat Keren together, this quartet led the EnICS Labs Impact Research Center to be Israel’s leading research center – and the world’s first line of chips. In October 2019, Dr. Itamar Levi joined us as our fifth faculty member and in April 2022, Dr. Leonid Yavits completed the current lineup of Senior Faculty members.

Under this leadership and a staff of outstanding students and engineers, EnICS is engaged in highly promising joint industrial and academic projects with more than 30 companies and research groups around the globe.

The EnICS labs are equipped with cutting-edge EDA tools, IC measurement equipment, hardware-reliability, security-evaluation equipment, cryogenic measurement equipment, image-sensors lab infrastructure and much more.

Prof. Alex Fish EnICS Labs

EnICs is about making it possible to put innovative research ideas on a large-scale, bridging industry and academy and about finding the silicon solutions of the near future and more. But it is first and foremost about the people!

make a difference
make a difference

Innovation Innovation

“Crazy” ideas
come to reality
“Crazy” ideas
come to reality

Research Excellence Research Excellence

National VLSI infrastructure National VLSI infrastructure

Incubator for start-ups Incubator for start-ups

Academia & Industry Synergy Academia & Industry Synergy

Leading IC education Leading IC education

Cadence Academic Network Video Challenge